Learn the importance of the routine step, more myths busted, when and how to tips.
What is protecting?
From piercing UV rays to ragged razors, your skin comes up against its fair share of stressors. Protecting is anything you do to give skin a little help in the daily struggle. It should be an essential part of your routine.
What kind of products do you need?
Why is protecting the skin important?
Skincare is self care
The skin barrier is your body’s fortress against the wild world outside. Keeping it healthy means less chance of infection, sensitivity and all the problems that severe dryness brings.
‘‘Aftershave is cologne’’
So many ways to soothe
It’s been a long time since aftershave meant an eye-watering alcohol your Uncle Dave splashed himself with. You can now find post-shave care in balms, butters, lotions or serums, all with tantalising extra functions and added ingredients.
‘‘Hot water will ease sunburn’’
This hot take is wrong
Please don’t do it. Sunburned skin needs soothing, not scalding. Try a cool shower instead: the cold will close blood vessels, easing the burning feeling. If sunburn is severe, you may wish to limit skincare to cleanser, aftersun and moisturiser for a while, just until your skin recovers.
‘‘I need to bake myself to get Vitamin D’’
Top up in under an hour
Just 15 minutes of sun is enough for lighter skinned people to get enough Vitamin D, with darker skinned people needing 25-40 minutes. Get your SPF on and keep one eye on the clock to stay safe.
How to protect your skin well
Start by washing the skin twice daily, exfoliating gently once a week, and hydrating it. Lifestyle changes like avoiding smoking and staying hydrated help too.
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